Monday, July 6, 2020

Dog Grooming - Shave the Belly? By Molly's Grooming Boutique In Stourport

Dog Grooming - Shave the Belly? By Molly's Grooming Boutique

Dog grooming is the art of grooming the dog in order to maintain its appearance. There are various methods that are used to achieve this goal. One of these methods is to shave the belly. Is shaving the belly a good idea for your dog?

The answer is yes, it can be very painful if the dog has sensitive skin. When you shave the belly, you are trimming the skin to expose the belly fur, which is part of the coat. This exposes the skin, which can become irritated if not treated properly. This irritation will lead to infection if not taken care of.

Dogs with sensitive skin are also more prone to illness and therefore should be bathed regularly to keep them healthy. Bathing them often can help keep their fur dry and allow the skin to heal and retain its healthy glow.

Another reason why you should have your dog's health checked regularly is to prevent fleas from making a home on your dog. This can happen when a dog is not bathed enough and is exposed to many fleas and ticks. Bacteria can be transferred to your dog and can cause serious health problems.

There are ways to keep your dog clean. Some owners will use a spray to keep the coat clean while others will use a broom to sweep the hair off the dog. Neither one is very effective, they both just take time.

A dog grooming chair can help you keep your dog's coat clean and groomed. There are many different types of chairs that you can choose from. They range from simple foldable chairs to plush recliners with all kinds of amenities. They come in different styles and prices.

You can get chairs that have short lengths for small dogs and full length for large dogs. Some of the larger dog grooming chairs have seat heights of up to an even 30 inches, so if you have a large dog that is a breed that is not typically suited for grooming then a full length chair may be right for you.

One of the most important reasons for having your dog groomed is so that they will stay healthy. If your dog's skin is dry it will be susceptible to sickness and infection. Dog grooming allows you to groom your dog and get rid of fleas and ticks, which can cause severe problems if left untreated.

Grooming your dog can be very rewarding. You will learn about your dog's personality and emotions as well as its body. It can also be therapeutic, as it allows you to release stress that can be caused by other activities that you may have in your life.

If you decide to take on the grooming chores yourself, be sure to do it because of practical reasons. Getting into the habit of keeping your dog's coat and fur clean and well maintained can give you years of pleasure. It can also save you money in the long run.

As you go about your day, you will see dogs everywhere grooming themselves. They will be stuffing and grooming themselves and showing you the way. Their grooming requires a certain amount of skill and patience but the rewards of well maintained coats are well worth the time spent in learning how to groom your dog.

Your dog will thank you for it too. In addition to knowing your dog's health and overall well being, you will know how to groom it well.

Molly's Grooming Boutique
2 Santa Maria Way
Stourport On Severn
DY13 9RX
07880 221711
dog grooming stourport blog content from molly's grooming boutique

Facts About Dog Grooming That Will Surprise You By Molly's Grooming Boutique

Facts About Dog Grooming That Will Surprise You By Molly's Grooming Boutique

Dog grooming is a full-time job. While most people think of a haircut, it's really a task that requires more time and effort than just getting a haircut. Here are some facts about dog grooming that may surprise you.

An important fact about dog grooming is that your dog will appreciate it. You will be so proud when your dog has wonderful hair. By doing a great job, you can tell everyone that your dog is loved and well groomed. Aside from people telling, your dog will also feel and enjoy the work that you do.

The reason why you must keep your dog's neck and head clean is that dogs with dirty necks and heads are prone to suffer from discomfort. This will encourage the dog to rest easier which will prevent him from running around.

Regular grooming can go a long way in keeping your dog healthy. People who do not groom their dogs regularly tend to get bad allergies. In addition, dog grooming is the most effective way to keep your dog's teeth clean and healthy.

Having a dog can give you a good impression on your neighbors. It's your duty to let them know that you have a dog. And when you show off with your poodle or Yorkshire terrier, it makes you look and feel better. Some people also like it when their neighbors' dog has a nice coat of hair, because then you can show off your own dog's good grooming.

If you want to keep a pair of clippers in your home, you should make sure that you have a good chance of getting one from a reliable store. In the first place, if you want to cut your dog's hair too short, make sure that you only use a sharp pair of clippers. If you make a mistake while trimming the hair, it will result in unnecessary hair loss and broken clippers.

Even though you may find such products as a "must have" in UK, it does not mean that you can't be cheap. You can still try to save money by making your own DIY dog grooming kit. You can even cut your dog's hair using a pair of scissors.

When you are cutting your dog's hair, you should use the same cleaning solution that you would use for your own hair. If you want to find out more about how to properly clean dog hair, there are online books that you can buy or borrow from the library.

If you want to keep your dog's ears clean, you can use a hair straightener to create a stylish, shiny effect. A suitable hair straightener would make your dog's ears look cleaner and more appealing.

You should always have a supply of dog shampoo to keep your dog's coat in good condition. If you think that your dog's coat is getting dirty, you can also apply vinegar to remove excess oil. Vinegar is useful because it doesn't leave any residues behind, unlike most commercial shampoos.

You should always have a supply of dog shampoo in your home to keep your dog's hair in good condition. If you think that your dog's coat is getting dirty, you can also apply vinegar to remove excess oil.

Cutting your dog's hair too short is a good idea if you want to make sure that he looks neat. Dog grooming takes care of both the hair and the skin of your pet.

Molly's Grooming Boutique
2 Santa Maria Way
Stourport On Severn
DY13 9RX
07880 221711
Read this blog content from molly's grooming boutique

Dog Grooming And Your Dog By Molly's Grooming Boutique

Dog Grooming And Your Dog By Molly's Grooming Boutique

UK animal cruelty law prohibits inflicting any cruel or inhumane treatment on any animal including a dog. In this article, we explore some of the measures you can take to ensure your dog does not end up in a pound with an excessively worn coat.
Have your dog groomed by a professional rather than haphazardly clipping a coat in the back garden every few weeks or maybe even monthly. Any professional dog groomer is well trained and fully qualified. They will understand the potential dangers involved with the process and the benefits.
Use mane protection if you feel your dog has hair standing up on its ears. In extreme cases, a pet salon or groomer might need to clip it all off, but using mane protection can help prevent problems. Dog mane protection is essential as a result of the nature of their job.
Prior to having your dog's coat trimmed, you should look for signs that something may be wrong. For example, if your dog looks disoriented when approaching the groomer or having its coat clipped, chances are he needs it trimmed. A clean cut means less bacteria so both you and your dog will be protected.
If your dog has a hangover and looks disorientated, he may need his mane clipped. There is usually no need to worry if the dog does not seem sick and is doing its normal routine before its clipping. If you notice any change in the behaviour of your dog, stop the grooming process immediately.
You must be confident that you can do the job yourself, as with any piece of machinery, your own abilities will diminish as you get used to using it. The same applies for a dog groomer. You have to be fully prepared to deal with a dog if you want to do a professional job and benefit from the service offered. When selecting a professional service, your dog must be given a thorough examination. The grooming process will likely require shampooing, brushing and trimming. It is important to ensure that the type of shampoo, how it is applied and what brushes are used for each section of the coat is carefully explained.
Grinding is used extensively in the grooming process and can be used in different ways. These are likely to include pulling, snipping, trimming and even clipping. It is crucial that you decide how you want to apply the grooming product and also whether it will be clipped or not.
A professional dog groomer is properly trained to handle all forms of dog grooming. After completing any grooming, you must take time to clean up all associated waste and ensure that your dog is completely dried and thoroughly dried after the work is completed. This should be carefully supervised by a family member or friend, as it is a delicate process.
Proper grooming requires that all the hair should be thoroughly removed as the hair can cause irritation and cause other health problems to the dog. It is vital that a professional dog groomer uses the correct tools and techniques for removing the hair without hurting your dog or anyone else. This is where you can find out how much experience they have with the dog grooming process.
Keeping your dog's fur clean is also essential, as it will benefit your dog. Not only does the environment suffer but so do your pets and your budget. If you can keep your dog's fur properly groomed, the need for shampoo will be greatly reduced.
UK dog grooming is a safe and reasonable experience that you can offer your dog. Do not make the mistake of neglecting to groom your dog, as the sooner you start the sooner you will see the results.

Molly's Grooming Boutique
2 Santa Maria Way
Stourport On Severn
DY13 9RX
07880 221711
molly's grooming boutique's article about dog grooming stourport

Useful Tips When Choosing A Professional Dog Grooming Service By Molly's Grooming Boutique

Useful Tips When Choosing A Professional Dog Grooming Service By Molly's Grooming Boutique

UK pet grooming is very important if you want your dog to look its best. There are many points to bear in mind when it comes to grooming your dog but here are some UK pet grooming tips that you should take into account.

First, you should be responsible for the health of your dog. You should keep it on a healthy diet and exercise it regularly. Keep it from becoming overweight as it may lead to certain health problems like cancer, heart disease, diabetes and other such disorders.

If you are still not convinced to take care of your dog yourself, take it to a professional to do a good job. While you are looking for the dog grooming professionals, be sure to select one that provides top-notch service and good dog grooming care.

After the dog has been groomed, make sure that you take it to the vet to get a check up and have it checked for any health problems. In some cases, you will need to undergo a screening process to make sure that the dog is not carrying any contagious diseases that could harm your pet.

It is also very important to choose a good pet grooming place that allows you to visit it regularly. You should not go to the same pet grooming establishment more than twice and you should not stay overnight unless it is absolutely necessary.

There are many well-known pet grooming establishments that provide services that are either affordable or free of charge. The staff at these establishments should be knowledgeable about the right pet grooming techniques to use for your dog.

If you own a large breed of dog, you should visit the pet grooming center a minimum of twice a year. Large breeds need constant bathing and you should be able to have your dog groomed in a matter of minutes.

If you live in the UK, you can also opt for an expensive professional dog grooming. However, it is important to note that the prices for dog grooming in the UK vary based on the service that you get.

You should not let a pet grooming expert cut your dog's hair or to trim its nails unless it is absolutely necessary. It is important to remember that pet grooming is an art and not a form of cutting and clipping.

Hair removal is a part of pet grooming and this is something that the professionals should be able to do. You should always ask if they are licensed and certified and if they are experienced enough in the field.

You should always try to find out about the pet grooming tips that are most relevant to your dog grooming needs in the UK. You should also find out the points that are important for your pet grooming.

It is also important to know how you can get free consultations on the pet grooming procedures in the UK. This is necessary to see if the methods that you are about to use are suitable for your pet and to determine the best ways of doing it.

Molly's Grooming Boutique
2 Santa Maria Way
Stourport On Severn
DY13 9RX
07880 221711
molly's grooming boutique: dog grooming stourport blog content

Dog Grooming Tips and Techniques From Molly's Grooming Boutique

Dog Grooming Tips and Techniques From Molly's Grooming Boutique

If you live in the UK, you will be introduced to grooming dogs from an early age. Dog grooming can help keep your pet healthy and in good shape. In addition, it helps improve a pet's appearance as well as their ability to survive in a variety of environments.

There are so many different kinds of dog grooming procedures in the UK. However, you will want to become familiar with the proper techniques before you begin any kind of grooming. Here are some of the most common dog grooming techniques that you should be familiar with.

Hand stripping your dog's coat is the most common type of grooming. You will be able to tell when your dog is having a problem with this particular procedure because their coat will begin to shed. You will be able to use your hands to remove the hair from the skin of your dog and then place the remaining fur back into its natural place.

Proper hand stripping should begin with a careful examination of the dog's skin. This will help you determine what type of hair problem your dog is having. For example, if the hair has grown into the skin or is sticking to the skin, this can indicate something might be seriously wrong.

Once you have determined that the problem is actually a problem with your dog's coat, you will need to remove the hair from the skin of your dog. You will then need to cut off any excess skin. In most cases, you will need to use scissors to accomplish this. However, if you find that your dog's skin is particularly sensitive, you will be better off using clippers instead.

In order to properly remove the excess skin from your dog's coat, you will need to comb the dog's coat thoroughly. You will also need to do a thorough job of grooming each area of the coat. When you do this, you will also be removing any excessive dirt that has accumulated there.

After you have combed your dog's coat and removed all of the excess hair, you will need to separate the hair by using a pair of gloves. You will then be able to fluff out the hair from the skin. This will remove any remaining dry, cracked skin and also any ticks that may have collected on the hair in the crevices.

After you have removed all of the excess hair from the coat, you will need to take the time to fluff out the coat. You will need to make sure that you are brushing the coat thoroughly to get rid of any remaining loose fur. You will then need to take the time to separate the hair from the skin of the coat using a comb.

As the process repeats itself, you will need to continue to comb the coat and cut the hair out of the skin. At this point, you will need to apply some conditioner to the coat to ensure that the hair has been loosened up enough that you can work with it.

There are a number of different types of conditioning that you can use to ensure that the coat is conditioned properly. However, you will want to ensure that you use one that is specifically formulated for dogs and that is safe for your pet.

Once you have properly conditioned the coat, you will need to give it a good rinse. You will need to make sure that you are working with an appropriate shampoo. This is important because it will be more likely to work on any kind of dog and will also keep the coat clean and healthy.

You should be well versed in the proper techniques for dog grooming in the UK. You will be able to ensure that your dog is in good health and that they look good while doing it!

Molly's Grooming Boutique
2 Santa Maria Way
Stourport On Severn
DY13 9RX
07880 221711
dog grooming stourport blog post from molly's grooming boutique

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Basic Dog Grooming at Molly's Grooming Boutique

Basic Dog Grooming at Molly's Grooming Boutique

When it comes to dog grooming, there are many dog owners that might not have all the answers and yet think they know what they're doing. The key is to take some time to really understand what the grooming process entails and the basic items that need to be used in order to complete the grooming task. Some of the most common dog grooming items that can be used include: brushes, combs, clippers, grooming oils, shampoo, scents, brushes, combs, shampoos, mats, grooming supplies, sprayers, buffers, rugs, combs, and mops.

Every time you brush your dog's coat, you will need to pay close attention to the color of the fur and what its texture is. If your dog has a thick and dense coat, you will need to use soft brushes with pointed ends. These points provide a cushion and should not be overly hard on the coat.

It is important that when you brush a dog, you are taking the time to allow the proper amount of time for the fur to dry between each brush stroke in a normal dog grooming session. If it is a hard brush and the coat is extremely thick, you may need to use a tougher brush with softer bristles.

Roller and brush roller work well for several reasons. The most important reason for having a roller is that it will help to remove loose dirt and debris from the coat. Because these products can easily clean your dog's coat, you will notice an immediate improvement in how you pet looks after every grooming session. Another great benefit to using these products is that they can be used during long trips and over a period of time.

For those that are experiencing a wet dog's coat, using shampoos with conditioner will give the best results. Conditioners can be used to treat excessive matting, irritation, or coat shedding. Some of the common shampoos available include: Neutrogena Quick Dry Shampoo, Salon Miri Hair Shampoo, Kona Naturals Medicated Dry Shampoo, and Proactiv Gentle Shampoo.

You will need to understand the differences between various products that you choose to use for your dog grooming session. One of the most commonly used treatments is "doggie pheromones". In addition to scenting, dog pheromones can also be used to ensure that a trained service can get an idea of what your dog is feeling at any given moment.

Along with hair removal creams, your groomer will most likely use a wide variety of shampoos to make sure that the coat is clean and shiny. Like the regular dog grooming supplies, you will want to use a feather duster in order to get the best results. Every time your dog sheds it's necessary to protect the natural look of the coat by using a feather duster to remove the loose dirt and debris.

After cleaning your dog's coat and removing any dirt or debris that might have been left behind, you should use a shampoo with conditioning. Shampoos that contain conditioner and Bobby pins should be used to give the dog the best results and to keep your dog's coat looking healthy and smooth.

After the grooming and conditioning process, it is important to allow the coat to dry for a few hours. Once this process is completed you will need to vacuum your dog's coat to remove any remaining loose dirt or debris.

After your dog's fur has dried completely, it is time to begin the process of brushing your dog's coat. You will want to start the process with a light brushing of the front and back legs.

There are many different styles of grooming equipment that can be used for your dog's grooming. Some of the most popular accessories include trimmers, toothbrushes, combs, brushes, rollers, and sieves. After completing the grooming process you should make sure to store your dog's grooming tools for the following day.

Dog grooming is a skill that must be learned and mastered. In the event that you have never groomed your dog before, you should consult a professional dog groomer for additional information and/oral training.

Molly's grooming boutique - Tips & Techniques

Molly's Grooming Boutique
2 Santa Maria Way
Stourport On Severn
DY13 9RX
07880 221711

Molly's Grooming Boutique - What Is Carding in Dog Grooming?

Basic Dog Grooming at Molly's Grooming Boutique

When it comes to dog grooming, there are many dog owners that might not have all the answers and yet think they know what they're doing. The key is to take some time to really understand what the grooming process entails and the basic items that need to be used in order to complete the grooming task. Some of the most common dog grooming items that can be used include: brushes, combs, clippers, grooming oils, shampoo, scents, brushes, combs, shampoos, mats, grooming supplies, sprayers, buffers, rugs, combs, and mops.

Every time you brush your dog's coat, you will need to pay close attention to the color of the fur and what its texture is. If your dog has a thick and dense coat, you will need to use soft brushes with pointed ends. These points provide a cushion and should not be overly hard on the coat.

It is important that when you brush a dog, you are taking the time to allow the proper amount of time for the fur to dry between each brush stroke in a normal dog grooming session. If it is a hard brush and the coat is extremely thick, you may need to use a tougher brush with softer bristles.

Roller and brush roller work well for several reasons. The most important reason for having a roller is that it will help to remove loose dirt and debris from the coat. Because these products can easily clean your dog's coat, you will notice an immediate improvement in how you pet looks after every grooming session. Another great benefit to using these products is that they can be used during long trips and over a period of time.

For those that are experiencing a wet dog's coat, using shampoos with conditioner will give the best results. Conditioners can be used to treat excessive matting, irritation, or coat shedding. Some of the common shampoos available include: Neutrogena Quick Dry Shampoo, Salon Miri Hair Shampoo, Kona Naturals Medicated Dry Shampoo, and Proactiv Gentle Shampoo.

You will need to understand the differences between various products that you choose to use for your dog grooming session. One of the most commonly used treatments is "doggie pheromones". In addition to scenting, dog pheromones can also be used to ensure that a trained service can get an idea of what your dog is feeling at any given moment.

Along with hair removal creams, your groomer will most likely use a wide variety of shampoos to make sure that the coat is clean and shiny. Like the regular dog grooming supplies, you will want to use a feather duster in order to get the best results. Every time your dog sheds it's necessary to protect the natural look of the coat by using a feather duster to remove the loose dirt and debris.

After cleaning your dog's coat and removing any dirt or debris that might have been left behind, you should use a shampoo with conditioning. Shampoos that contain conditioner and Bobby pins should be used to give the dog the best results and to keep your dog's coat looking healthy and smooth.

After the grooming and conditioning process, it is important to allow the coat to dry for a few hours. Once this process is completed you will need to vacuum your dog's coat to remove any remaining loose dirt or debris.

After your dog's fur has dried completely, it is time to begin the process of brushing your dog's coat. You will want to start the process with a light brushing of the front and back legs.

There are many different styles of grooming equipment that can be used for your dog's grooming. Some of the most popular accessories include trimmers, toothbrushes, combs, brushes, rollers, and sieves. After completing the grooming process you should make sure to store your dog's grooming tools for the following day.

Dog grooming is a skill that must be learned and mastered. In the event that you have never groomed your dog before, you should consult a professional dog groomer for additional information and/oral training.

Molly's grooming boutique - Tips & Techniques

Molly's Grooming Boutique
2 Santa Maria Way
Stourport On Severn
DY13 9RX
07880 221711

Molly's Grooming Boutique - What Is Carding in Dog Grooming?

Molly's Grooming Boutique - What Is Carding in Dog Grooming?

If you are reading this article, then it means that you are already aware of the term "dog grooming" and you have the knowledge that it is indeed very important for you to give your dog a good appearance. This will not only be a form of affection, but also help you save a lot of time when caring for your pet.

This means that you must get all the information about grooming your dog before you start with your first groom. And the best way to do that is by learning about what "carding" is. Carding is the practice of cleaning the fur of a dog.

It is done in order to remove any bits of dirt or debris that may be stuck to the dog's coat. This is also done so that the dog's coat does not look dirty. In the process of "carding", the hair is removed from the top, bottom and sides of the dog's coat, as well as any loose or damaged hair.

The method of "carding" involves scrubbing the dog's coat with a shampoos. To prevent any air from escaping the brush, it is always advisable to use the smaller brush. This method is often used when shampooing the "hair of the head" in order to remove dirt and hairs that may be trapped there. The process is usually done once a week.

To get the "carding" done right, you must ensure that the animal gets the proper nourishment and that it is given any medicine that the vet's approval allows. If you want to go for the "carding" process, you should ensure that the dog is totally well fed before the process begins.

You should make it a point to give the dog a warm bath regularly. Just make sure that the shampoo that you use is gentle on the dog's skin. But remember that the shampoo used must be made from all-natural ingredients as this can help reduce the chances of your dog developing any skin allergies.

Keep in mind that "carding" is only a method that helps in cleaning the dog's coat. It is not designed to remove dog shedding. In fact, you need to give your dog an all-natural shampoo that contains no animal by-products as this will only worsen the condition of the dog's skin.

However, if you are interested in removing dog shedding without getting rid of the dog's coat completely, then you must be ready to spend some money. You can try using the same kind of shampoos and getting rid of shedding through "carding".

You need to know that this is a bad idea, because there are many cheap alternatives that you can buy that will help you do the job much faster and easier. Just make sure that you purchase these products from a reliable source as you can be at risk of using inferior products that could cause irritation and infections to your dog.

Although you can easily get rid of shedding by brushing the dog's coat, but you can do it better if you brush it properly with the help of a brush that has been specially designed for this purpose. This will make sure that you remove the debris effectively and that the hair does not return to be re-spun again.

If you are afraid that you are going to lose hair from the brush due to the animal hair that you have in your home, then you can apply "mineral oil" to prevent this. Mineral oil is very effective in fighting against dandruff and can also be applied to the affected areas.

All in all, you must make sure that you get the knowledge about the latest procedures in dog grooming. By doing this, you will be able to save some money while also helping your dog look its best.

Molly's Grooming Boutique
2 Santa Maria Way
Stourport On Severn
DY13 9RX
07880 221711

Molly's grooming boutique - looking after your dog?

How to Groom a Dog - Different Ways of Doing it by Molly's Grooming Boutique

How to Groom a Dog - Different Ways of Doing it by Molly's Grooming Boutique

There are many reasons why you should understand how to groom a dog? It doesn't matter if you own a dog or not, but dogs need attention and it is a very good idea to learn how to do it properly. So in this article I will tell you about the different ways you can groom your dog.

The first way to groom a dog is by using a grooming brush. This is the most common way, and it is the most simple.

First of all, there is no need to use a razor on your dog, unless you want to. If you want to, there are plenty of grooming kits available which you can purchase at your local pet store, for just a few dollars.

Second, you should make sure your dog has a good diet before you start grooming him. You need to be aware that the diet of your dog will determine the kind of skin he will have, and so by being familiar with the kind of diet he had during his growth cycle you will know which products you should avoid.

Third, dogs do not like rough treatment when it comes to grooming. It is important that the roughness is kept to a minimum, and this is an aspect which you should get right if you want to be successful in dog grooming.

Fourth, you need to keep in mind that dogs do not like it when their skin is rubbed and so if you do use a razor on your dog it is wise to use the short kind. Shorter blades will not hurt your dog as much and are more comfortable for your dog to use.

Fifth, if you have a dog that has a long coat, then be very careful not to cut the coat too short, or else you may end up with a bad cut. If you are too rough with your dog's hair, it will easily become matted and even worse it may cause the dog to get skin infections.

Sixth, you must remember that the method of grooming is what determines how fast and how well the hair grows back. Here are some methods you can use:

- Shampoo. This is the best way to groom a dog, but it needs to be done well, and you need to put the shampoo on properly. In this way the hair on your dog will grow back fast, and you won't end up having to do a lot of hair trimming.

- Brush. You can use this method if you want, but I believe it is less satisfactory than shampooing.

- Clipping. You should do this method if you want to have a clean dog, and you don't want to waste your time clipping every strand of hair off of your dog's body.

- Haircutting. This is the quickest, most effective way to groom a dog, but this method requires you to cut the hair of your dog, so this requires that you take your dog's skin very lightly before you begin.

Dog Grooming Stourport -

article about how long it takes at molly's grooming boutique

Dog Grooming Services - Do Dogs Like It? By Molly's Grooming Boutique

Dog Grooming Services - Do Dogs Like It? By Molly's Grooming Boutique

Dog grooming is a business that is about to get a lot more popular. People have been taking advantage of dog grooming services for years, but now more people than ever are interested in getting their dogs groomed in a professional setting. The dogs' owners are becoming more educated about what is done to their pets, and the establishments that offer this service are growing in numbers.

Dogs like to be pampered and groomed at the same time. In some cases, dogs will get more attention when they are being groomed by a professional than when they are being groomed at home.

Dog grooming, for one, does not take much time. A simple trim around the ear or a trim on the body can happen in under ten minutes. Dog grooming services make this possible because they know that their clientele is in a hurry.

Dog grooming is becoming a very popular thing to do. More people are coming to these establishments to have their dogs brushed. If you are in the market for pet grooming services, don't wait too long to get started. Start making an appointment today and make sure that you have enough time on your hands for your dog to get groomed.

Dog grooming is a business that has many requirements before you can even get started. When you go to a grooming service, you need to make sure that you have at least one of the following:

You should also always expect the professional to be thorough with their cleaning techniques. The professional is responsible for ensuring that your dog is clean and brushed down, and they will ensure that your dog gets enough attention.

When you have a dog, you know how much time you want to devote to your dog. When you go to a grooming service, you are more likely to get a haircut that you can easily finish in a few minutes.

Do dogs like it? How much attention do they like it?

Does your dog like it? Does it look nice? Do they love it? If your dog doesn't enjoy it, then it probably isn't going to like it, either.

Are you going to a professional establishment, or are you going to a puppy mill? This is important to consider because not all people who use puppy mills are in need of dog grooming services.

Dogs that are going to puppy mills are often in bad condition because the dog's owners can't afford to treat them well. If you go to a professional, you can still get an affordable, quality haircut that your dog will appreciate.

When you start thinking about your dog's grooming needs, you will want to ask yourself a few important questions. First, are you going to get a professional, or will you go to a puppy mill?

read this post from molly's grooming boutique

Saturday, June 20, 2020



Learning How to Groom a Dog With Clippers

Learning How to Groom a Dog With Clippers

There are many advantages of taking your dog to a groomer rather than attempting to do the grooming yourself. When you attempt to do it yourself, you can end up with hair that is full of tangles and knots. The long hours spent with clippers can make it difficult to get an even finish to your dog's coat. So in this article we will be discussing the advantages of using a groomer.

Dog grooming does not have to be a chore. If you get a pet you want to have the best for it. There are a few ways to go about getting the best for your pet. One way to go about it is to get a professional dog groomer to groom your dog. They offer the benefit of having the proper equipment and training to get a great cut and look like new.

If you are a beginner at dog grooming and not a professional, they might be able to groom your dog for you. They can groom your dog to look like its been groomed by someone who knows what they are doing. It can be a great bonding experience for you and your dog.

While you want your dog to look good from the beginning they should be trained how to groom yourself before being allowed to groom your dog. It is very important to learn how to groom a dog with clippers. You want to do it right so you don't damage the dog or yourself.

How to groom a dog with clippers requires some knowledge of how clippers work. Without the proper knowledge it is possible to harm the dog and yourself. A couple of precautions when grooming a dog with clippers are needed.

Before you attempt to learn how to groom a dog with clippers you should do your homework. Find out what the dog needs to be able to groom themselves and what the best way to do it is.

You want to know the symptoms of skin allergies and what to do if your dog has a reaction to the chemicals in hair products. So before you begin learning how to groom a dog with clippers you need to learn this information first.

Allergies to things such as shampoo and dyes can cause a dog to pull its fur out. It is a horrible condition for the dog to have. The right treatment for the problem will also help to prevent the dog from having to pull its fur out.

This is why you will want to find out what the specific conditions are that are causing the fur to be pulled out by your dog. There are plenty of web sites that can tell you exactly what the problem is and show you the correct solution. Then you can learn how to groom a dog with clippers.

The same precautions you take when grooming a dog on your own should be taken to grooming your dog with clippers. You need to keep the area you are doing the grooming clean and free of any bacteria. Make sure there is no hair or debris in the area.

You can make sure the area where you are grooming your dog is not messy by keeping the area neat. Make sure you do not leave food or drink laying around. It is a good idea to ask the groomer if you can bring in a small stool to use for the dog to eliminate in.

When you are learning how to groom a dog with clippers you will find that the benefits far outweigh the costs. You will be able to get the same quality of hair you can from someone who is qualified to groom your dog. While you might not be able to give them an exact price they are worth more than the prices charged for a groomer.

Dog Grooming Stourport

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Can You Groom a Dog With Scissors?

Can You Groom a Dog With Scissors?

Some dogs are not cut out for grooming. Grooming takes a special breed of dog. Since so many dogs need to be groomed, what is the best way to groom a dog with scissors? You will find that there are many different options available.

There are many dog groomers that will not use scissors, and that is fine. You can groom your dog however you wish. Just make sure that you choose a professional dog groomer.

When you are talking about grooming a dog with scissors, you may want to consider a special doggy grooming kit. There are several different types of grooming kits available that can allow you to groom your dog with scissors.

Grooming with scissors is not the most pleasant thing to do, but if you know what you are doing, it can be fun. This is definitely something that should be avoided, especially for small dogs. However, there are some dogs that will grow into it.

When you are choosing a professional dog groomer, check out their experience. Also, be sure that they have given grooming classes to help you get used to it. If you do your homework, you will be able to find a good groomer who will give you the best service.

It can be very intimidating when you try to groom a dog with scissors. It can cause irritation to your dog, so be prepared. To make grooming your dog with scissors a bit easier, you can consider getting a dog grooming kit that comes with a grooming clipper, and scissors.

Dog grooming kits are quite helpful in this type of situation. If you are a little unsure of how to do it on your own, a dog grooming kit can make things much easier.

There are many different types of grooming clippers available, and all of them are designed to work with your dog's skin. The blades on each type of grooming clipper are designed to cut through your dog's skin and hair.

If you take some time to read up on grooming, you will be able to find out how to clean your dog properly. You will learn some tips for taking care of your dog with scissors, as well as other things that you will need to know about grooming.

Some people don't know that you can purchase dog grooming supplies such as dog towels, brushes, and dog food at your local pet grooming shop. If you go to a local pet grooming salon, you will be able to find the same things. There are also other pet grooming supplies available online.

Dog grooming is an important job, and many people like to do it themselves. However, if you do not have the proper training, you could injure your dog or worse, you could end up with a dog that is badly damaged. In order to have a happy dog, you will need to do all of the grooming for them yourself.

Dog grooming can be a fun and rewarding hobby, and you will want to look for a reliable professional dog groomer near you. Whether you want to groom your dog with scissors, or use a dog grooming kit, you will find that the choice is yours.

Molly's Grooming Boutique - Dog Grooming Stourport

Tuesday, March 10, 2020


Our aim is to treat your dog as one of our own.

‘Molly’s grooming boutique’ is a professional and friendly one to one dog grooming salon based in Stourport-on-Severn. Your dog will leave feeling relaxed and pampered due to our calm and luxurious environment. We pride ourselves on a holistic approach to dog grooming, which entails taking into consideration your dog’s every need.

‘Molly’s grooming boutique’ understands that visits to the groomers can be stressful for many dogs and therefore we slowly build a relationship with no pressure put on any dog ensuring a pleasant experience. If preferred, we can do pre-groom visits to familiarise your dog with the offering visits without treatment to any nervous dogs.